Its time to feel safe with food with your body in your body around food   ‍

   Its time to feel safe with food with your body in your body around food   ‍

   Its time to feel safe with food with your body in your body around food   ‍

 "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍

 "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍

 "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   

 It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food.   ‍


   It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food.   ‍


   It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food.   ‍

 "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍

 "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍

 "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍


   "It's time to feel safe with food with your body, in your body around food."   ‍

“To begin to understand the problem we need to understand the person"  ‍

- Leslie Sokol, PhD

"To begin to understand the problem we need to understand the person"

Its time to feel safe
with food
with your body
in your body
around food


What are
groups like?

We meet  for 90 mins once a week over 5 weeks to focus on developing specific skill sets including:
- Improving body/self image
- Examining media-driven social expectations
- Rebuilding healthier thoughts and behaviors
- HAES (“health at every size”)
- Gender, racial, cultural inclusions and the implications for our careers, relationships, and families
Groups offer enhanced mental health benefits, improved learning, and relationship development skills.

What we can do in Group

Explore and develop new attitudes and approaches to eating, movement, wellness, physical and mental health.

Groups Provide

- social learning

-support/more feedback/accelerate learning

-a more accessible treatment model

-a learning and practicing environment

Group therapy gives supported opportunities to practice new ways of being in cultivated groups and settings.

“Many patients enter therapy with the disquieting thought that they are unique in their wretchedness, that they alone have certain frightening or unacceptable problems, thoughts, impulses and fantasies.” -Irvin D. Yalom, MD
While each individual experiences unique circumstances, no one is alone in our struggle.

Group therapy encourages us to support each other in developing character, sense of self and “voice” beyond the 1:1 relationship of individual psychotherapy


What we can do in Group

Explore and develop new attitudes and approaches to eating, movement, wellness, physical and mental health.

Groups Provide
- social learning
- support/more feedback/accelerate learning
- a more accessible treatment model
- a learning and practicing environment
Group therapy gives supported opportunities to practice new ways of being in cultivated groups and settings.
“Many patients enter therapy with the disquieting thought that they are unique in their wretchedness, that they alone have certain frightening or unacceptable problems, thoughts, impulses and fantasies.”

-Irvin D. Yalom, MD  

While each individual experiences unique circumstances, no one is alone in our struggle.

Group therapy encourages us to support each other in developing character, sense of self and “voice” beyond the 1:1 relationship of individual psychotherapy.

While each individual experiences unique circumstances, no one is alone in our struggle.

Group therapy encourages us to support each other in developing character, sense of self and “voice” beyond the 1:1 relationship of individual psychotherapy.
Ventura, CA

Fill Out This Form to Schedule a Free 15 Minute Consult

We will discuss your goals and do a short assessmen to place you in the correct group.

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Please keep in mind that by submitting the form through this web portal, you acknowledge and agree to the potential hazards of sharing your health information via unencrypted email and electronic messaging. Regardless of the risks you opt to submit the form. By clicking "Submit button" you agree to release Bloom Family Therapy and all of its associates from any liability resulting from unauthorized use, disclosure, or access to your protected health information transmitted via this electronic medium.

Fees and Insurance
I have insurance, can I use this in groups?

Many insurance carriers cover group therapy, please contact me for assistance in determining your benefits.

How much do groups cost?

$55 per 90 minute Group Session.

Do you offer sliding scale for groups?

Yes - I am always committed to helping you connect with appropriate treatment.

Do I need to commit to 5 weeks or can I just drop in?

Interest Lists are available for both “Closed” (5 week commitment) and “Open” or “Drop In” groups.

Are groups confidential?

Because trust and safety are the foundation of a transformative experience, we ask all participants to complete a Confidentiality Agreement prior to participation. This agreement clarifies our mutual intentions, that information shared within the group, remain within the group space and time. Each group meeting opens with reaffirmation of our intention to hold individuals and information with the utmost integrity and respect. Participants whose behavior demonstrates unwillingness to cooperate with confidentiality agreements will not be invited to continue.